Aged Care
We care about people enjoying every moment of their retirement. With the right bespoke solutions for every environment.

Beds & Furniture



Pressure Care

Patient Transfer

Smart Technology

Breathing and Medical
We are very considered in the equipment we add to our portfolio, we don’t take it all.
We provide bespoke care solutions offering unparalleled retirement living to meet the present and future needs of your residents and their families.

Long Term Care Beds from Malsch
Our premium care beds and bedside tables are equipped with a comprehensive range of basic features and can be adapted flexibly to suit virtually every situation. Choose from various head/foot boards and numerous finishes to configure a care bed which suits your room design perfectly.
Our beds’ technical features and high-quality as well as stable designs offer you consistency and planning security – long term.
Ceiling Hoists from Guldmann
Ceiling hoists from Guldmann don’t only provide you with equipment that makes your job easier. You also get a complete solution designed to tackle virtually all lifting and moving needs. They’re designed to be combined, varied and used in a wide range of different ways – making Guldmann solutions a dependable, durable and financially advantageous investment.
Active Healthcare is proud to offer Guldmann systems exclusively in New Zealand and in this specialist field, experience really counts. We’ve been supplying and installing ceiling hoist and track systems for more than 20 years, making us one of the most experienced suppliers of ceiling hoist systems in New Zealand.
We also do Guldmann Recessed Rail Systems – Mono Rail and Room Covering. This system blends perfectly into any room and is almost invisible when not in use.

Pressure Relieving mattresses from Care of Sweden
Care of Sweden pressure care products are a direct result of a determination to prevent and eliminate pressure injuries. Our range includes world-class pressure care solutions which are constantly adjusted in line with healthcare professional input, advice and feedback.
The complete mattress for pressure ulcer prevention: Optimal 5zon mattress
It is a soft and flexible mattress replacement used as an aid in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers up to category 2. Features the Patented sit function, DuoCore, designed to give support when sitting and to provide good comfort when lying.

The Game Changer: Curocell A4 Overlay system
Fully automatic and flexible alternating pressure care mattress system effectively aiding in the prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers up to and including Category 4.
The Raizer Lifting Chair from LiftUp
State of the art, battery operated mobile lifting chair for falls recovery. One carer can help a fallen person up to an almost standing position within just a few minutes.