Imagine a New Zealand free from the impact of pressure injuries. Patients in better health and greater comfort, reduced treatment time and less cost to the healthcare system.
Thursday, 17th November is World Wide Stop Pressure Ulcer Day.
Pressure injuries are a frequently occurring health problem throughout the world. They are painful, costly, and an often preventable complication for which many individuals are at risk.
Prevalence and incidence rates are generally higher in those receiving palliative care, those with spinal cord injuries, neonates and infants, and individuals in critical care.
Pressure injuries represent a major burden of sickness and reduced quality of life for patients and their care givers, and they increase hospital costs significantly.
Active Healthcare wants to help stop pressure injuries, so we’re supporting World Wide Stop Pressure Ulcer Day by helping to raise awareness.
Key messages for the campaign are:
• with the right knowledge and care, pressure injuries can be avoided;
• all health professionals, carers, family/whanau members and patients have important roles to play in prevention;
• skin care matters.
Pressure Care Resources:
For more about World Wide Stop Pressure Ulcer Day, and a wealth of information on wound care, visit New Zealand Wound Care Society website.
Care of Sweden have developed a helpful Action Plan for Pressure Ulcers, which is designed to increase awareness of pressure ulcers and address the underlying causes and risks.
The National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance have joined forces to create a Quick Reference Guide for the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers.