Last week we were on the Move It Again 2018 roadshow, presented by MHANZ (Moving and Handling Assiocation of New Zealand).
We visited Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland and ran a hands-on workshop showcasing how innovative patient transfer solutions can make your working day so much safer and easier.
It was rewarding providing nurses, therapists and healthcare advisers with the opportunity to view the latest moving and handling developments and support them with their workplace moving and handling challenges.
We presented our industry leading Guldmann ceiling hoists, LINET hospital beds, Allegro mobile patient lifters and a range of premium care chairs.
A big thank you to LINET for joining us on this roadshow and a special mention to Zendenka Chalabalova, from LINET’s specialized clinical coaching team, for her eye-opening workshop on patient positioning techniques using the innovative lateral tilt technology on the Eleganza 5 ICU bed.
We hope you enjoyed it, we certainly did!