C-Max U1 Powered Stairclimber


C-Max U1 Powered Stairclimber, is a push wheelchair with stair climbing function providing access at home and on the road.  The operator merely steers the c-max with very little physical effort. The C-Max’s low weight and the fact that it can be easily and quickly dismounted make it possible to take everywhere.

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Max lifting capacity 120kg
Climbing speed 8 – 23 steps per minute (continually adjustable)
Capacity with one charge of batteries 15 – 30 levels (depending on person’s weight)
Width 485mm / 440mm (without arm rest)
Depth 915mm / 730mm (folded in foot rest)
Height 1090mm
Batteries 2 x 12V/5Ah
DC-Motor 24V
Weight of battery pack 4.4kg
Weight of power unit 17.2kg
Weight of seat 4.6kg
Weight of back 4.3kg
Weight of arm rests 1.2kg
Step’s height 21cm / 22.5cm extended
product code: 0205-0002 category: tag: